We provide financial support for theses and help you to cover the costs incurred in writing the thesis. Through our committee work, we have been able to ensure that, in addition to conference funding, funding for final theses is also possible. If you have any questions about funding or would like to submit an application, please get in touch with us!

Your thesis will be financially supported with 50% of the expenditure, up to a maximum of €80. In order for us to provide you with financial support, the following criteria must be met:

  • Only students of the degree programs Bachelor of Science Geography, Bachelor of Arts Geography (accompanying subject), Bachelor Lehramt (teacher training), Master of Science Geography, Master of Education Geography, Master of Science Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology (NaLa) and Master of Science Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security at the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn can apply for thesis funding.
  • If possible, you should apply for funding before submitting your thesis.
  • The expenses for your thesis should amount to at least 60€.
  • Other required documents (see below) must be submitted no later than one month after submitting your thesis.

We need the following documents and information from you by e-mail to :

  • Cost breakdown / calculation
  • Invoice / confirmation of expenditure
  • Justification of why the expenses are eligible for funding
  • Confirmation that the thesis has been submitted on time
  • Certificate of enrollment
  • IBAN with name of the account holder

Some expenses are classified as not eligible for funding. These include: accommodation and meals, printing costs as well as technical equipment / applications / licenses, which can also be provided by the department. Laboratory work is not financially supported by us; please contact Dr Simone Giertz () in this regard. Please note, however, that funding your thesis through the department and the Student Council at the same time is not possible.

If you have any questions, please contact us!