Geography Studies:

Here you can find all information about the study of geography. All registration deadlines and important dates are published here. Before you enter the you should first check the website to see whether your studies are going well. clarify questions here.


Here you can post important information, such as dates and deadlines. But also Job advertisements for student auxiliary staff (SHK) and interesting Events.


BASIS is the electronic course catalogue of the Bonn University. You can also register here for events and exams and find out your grades and credit points.


eCampus is the electronic learning platform of the University of Bonn. For courses you have taken via BASIS, you are automatically assigned to this course and have Access to all important data (e.g. homework etc.). For courses at to which you do not log in via BASIS you’ll get from your lecturer* a password. If you you have searched and found your course You log in there with this.

university mail:

Here you have access to the e-mail set up for you by the university Address. For the initial registration you have on your matriculation certificate Password. If not otherwise set by you, will end up here all important dates and Announcements Your lecturer.

University Computer Center:

The university computer centre administers online the data that you specified when you enrolled at the university. Here you can change them if necessary. See . you need the VPN Client of the University of Bonn. The and many other programs you get in or on the above-mentioned Internet site.

Geographical Institute of the University >Bonn (GIUB):

University and State Library (ULB):