
Anmeldung FS-Info-Newsletter
Messages about the student council, general announcements, and events at GIUB
Infos aus der Fachschaft, über Aushänge und Veranstaltungen am GIUB

Anmeldung FS-Praktikum-Beruf-Newsletter
Messages about internships, jobs at the university and other job opportunities

Anmeldung FS-Vortrag-Newsletter
Messages about presentations, summer schools and other similar events

Anmeldung FS-Aktion-Newsletter
Messages about initiatives like demonstrations, and student initiatives like fair-trade uni, Weitblick, Bildungsstreik …

Anmeldung FS-Internationales-Newsletter
Messages about ERASMUS and announcements from the International Office

When clicking one of the buttons, you will be redirected to the official newsletter website of the University of Bonn, where you can sign up for the newsletters with your email address.


You can unsubscribe anytime by following the instructions at the end of each email newsletter or by clicking the button of the newsletter you want to unsubscribe from above, and choosing the option “Abbestellen” on the left.