Thank you very much for voting in the election of the Geography Student Council (Fachschaftsvertretung)! After counting the votes, the election committee of the Geography Student Council Bonn can announce the following result:

No.NameAmount of votes
1Bube, Carla15
2Reiter, Marie-Theres15
3König, Lena13
4Oberem, Fiona11
5Janzen, Michelle10
6Wünsche, Magnus10
7Kuhn, Christine8
8Schöne, Julian8
9Bregulla, Josi7
10Schultze-Florey, Fridtjof7
11Wagner, Barbara6
12Schröder, Nele3
13Wild, Johannes3
14Kurth, Lucas Francis2
15Matheis, Timo2
16Melchiors, Saskia2

Eligible voters1445
Votes cast122
Invalid ballots0
Valid ballots122
Election turnout8,44%

The first 15 persons with the most votes, who received at least 1 vote, are elected. In the event of a tie, a lot was drawn.

An objection to the election result can be lodged in writing with the Election Review Committee of the Student Representatives’ Conference within 14 days of its announcement.

The inaugural meeting of the Geography Student Council will take place digitally on December, 8th, 2019 at 19:00.

Bonn, 18/01/2021
Geography Student Council Bonn